Meditation ritual set Connect

NAYAVITA Yoga meditation ritual set meditation ritual kit  meditation  meditation props sage smudging white sage palo santo benefits selenite clear quartz benefits meditation

Meditation ritual set Connect


In stock


Calm your body and mind, settle your thoughts, connect to your higher self, broaden your spiritual awareness and open yourself up to the wisdom of the universe. Meditation props are a great way to deepen your spiritual practiceRitual set Connect has been finely crafted from natural smudging tools and healing crystals to cleanse the environment, heighten vibrations and enhance your meditation and mindfulness experience.


  • Sacred Palo Santo wood
  • White sage stick
  • Clear quartz
  • Raw selenite crystal
  • Feather
  • Linen NAYAVITA Yoga bag
  • Smudging ritual instructions
Availability: In stock


Meditation ritual set Connect combines natural meditation tools with ritual techniques to strengthen the power of forces during spiritual practice like mindfulness and meditation. Not only do rituals help us create habits, but they also have the ability to ground us in a specific moment. Before we delve into the meditation ritual, here is a couple of

tips to fortify our meditation routine:

  • dedicate a space to meditation – consistency in your meditation environment conditions your mind and body to expect meditation when you enter the space
  • set a specific time – as with space, having a set time sends a signal to our brain to ‘get into the mood’ for meditation.
  • create a pre- and post-meditation routine – consistent routine is key to building habits. Take a walk, have a cup of tea, light a candle, or whatever you need to prepare for meditation. Afterwards, do not forget to reward yourself. Take a bath, watch an episode of your favourite sitcom or indulge in some self-care.

Meditation ritual set Connect combines meditation tools to cleanse space, beings and objects, heighten vibrations, harmonise spirit and open us up to a connection with higher spiritual world.


    1. Palo Santo sticks – sacred wood of Bursera Graveolens. Palo Santo is believed to have cleansing and healing properties, opens and harmonises your soul, calms emotions and strengthens intuition and heightens vibrations.
    2. White sage – used for space, being and object cleansing and purification from negative energy and influences. Alleviates anxiety, stress and tiredness, lifts the mood. Cleanses physical environment, as well as thoughts, emotions and aura. Strengthens intuition and connection to the spiritual world.
    3. Selenite –  opens up the crown chakra, brings mental clarity, harmonises the soul, cleans vibrations and offers a connection to higher realms. Promotes peace and calm and helps to direct us during meditation to where and what we need to process.
    4. Clear quartz – mother of all healing crystals. Cleanses negative energy and charges its wearer with positive energy. Boosts inspiration, intuition and removes spiritual blockages and disharmonies.  Amplifies the powers of other crystals.
    5. Feather – for millennia, feathers have been used as magical props during spiritual and healing ceremonies. Use to waft healing smoke where needed and direct negative influences away.


      1. Slow down, relax, forget about the hassle and challenges of everyday life and turn your attention to this ritual. Be here and now.
      2. Prepare your meditation space, light a candle, get your meditation pillow ready. Do whatever you need to do to feel comfortable and ready.
      3. Hold the smudge stick at 45° angle to light and keep burning 10-30 seconds. Blow out. Watch the cleansing smoke twirling around the space.
      4. If needed, cleanse your crystals and meditation space in the sacred smoke. Stand by the window or door to allow unobstructed way out for the negative energy. You can use your feather to waft the smoke.
      5. Place the smoking stick on a smudge dish or an inflammable surface. Ensure there is no air draft and keep away from children and pets.
      6. Sit comfortably, with your back supported, healing crystals in your hand or next to you. Close your eyes, leaving behind all other thoughts and bring your awareness onto your breath. On inhale, feel the body expand as you bring fresh prana or energy into the body. On exhale, release all tension being held in the body.
      7. Observe your thoughts, without judging them or becoming involved. You are simply an observer of them, focusing on your breath and taking note of your body’s different sensations and feelings. If you notice your mind starts to wander, acknowledge it and gently bring your attention back to the breath. The type of meditation, breathing technique and tools in this step are your choice.
      8. After meditation, put out the smudge stick in a fine sand or salt and store for later use.

Important! Do not use sage around people with breathing difficulties, infants and pregnant women.

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