Dragon’s Blood Sage smudge stick

Nayavita Yoga dragon's blood sage smudge stick white sage and dragon's blood smudge stick smudging

Dragon’s Blood Sage smudge stick


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Dragon’s Blood resin mixed with White Sage is celebrated as a powerful tool for cleansing, purification and protection. 

Dragon’s blood amplifies the potency of a ritual, be it physical or spiritual cleansing, protection, healing, manifestation or love. It is revered as the strongest of smudge tools to tackle even the hardest of negative energies and influences, and creating a sacred safe space.

This compliments the White sage, used by native American tribes for purification and cleansing from negative energy. Nowadays, it is the most commonly used incense in cleansing and healing rituals. White Sage smudging is also performed to connect to the spiritual realm and enhance intuition.


Use whenever you want to feel clean, safe and protected from negative vibes and influences within and around you. Smudging helps you feel connected to yourself, creating a safe space, and releasing feel good chemicals from the brain. Favourite smudging occasions are when moving office or home, or after arguments and negative episodes. Smudging with Dragon’s Blood Sage smudge stick is also used to cleanse the aura, before meditation and prayer, and as part of preparation for other rituals.


Set an intent and with that in mind light the smudge stick at a 45° angle. Let it burn for 10-30 seconds and then blow out. Place on a non-flammable dish or surface and enjoy the scent. Alternatively, with a smudge stick in hand and an intent on your mind, go around the spaces and beings you want to cleanse. You can also use feathers for fanning smoke. After the ritual, put out the stick in fine sand or salt and keep it for next use.

Availability: Only 19 left in stock


Dragon’s Blood Sage smudge stick combines the revered cleansing properties of White Sage with the potent strength of Dragon’s Blood tree resin.

Dragon’s Blood is thought to be the most powerful cleanser of negative energy and influences. Many believe that protective rituals and ceremonies with Dragon’s Blood have an immediate impact. This ceremonial tree resin has traditionally been used to enhance rituals and is thought to strengthen the manifestation power of spells.

White sage is a sacred herb sustainably growing on the coast of California. Silver-white sage leaves are carefully handpicked with respect to the local ecosystem, dried and tied into smudge sticks.

Sage has been used by shamans of native American tribes for centuries for purification and healing ceremonies. Scientific research shows that 95% of the bacteria in the room is gone after burning white sage.

MATERIAL: White Sage (Salvia Apiana) and Dragon’s Blood (Dracaena cinnabari)

SIZE: 1 smudge stick 10cm long (33 g)

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