Cleansing and purification smudge kit Good Vibes

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Cleansing and purification smudge kit Good Vibes


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Treat your mindbody and soul with this ritual smudge kit. Cleanse and purify the energy of your home, persons and objects, calm your mind, combat stress and create a healthy and harmonious space you can thrive in. Discover the healing powers of smudging, for millennia practiced by indigenous cultures around the world. This meticulously constructed energy cleansing smudge kit is perfect for all ritual lovers and anyone who just moved home or office, has been through a negatively charged experience like divorce, break-up or an illness.


  • Sacred Palo Santo wood
  • White sage stick
  • Desert sage stick
  • Clear quartz
  • Tumbled obsidian
  • Hand-made feather fan
  • Linen NAYAVITA Yoga bag
  • Smudging ritual instructions
Availability: In stock


This energy cleansing smudge kit Good Vibes is the perfect gift for self and others to clean and purify energy of spaces, people and objects. According to indigenous cultures, smudging cleanses not only negative energy, but also emotions, thoughts and aura. This beautiful ritual smudge kit was carefully created from world’s most popular smudge sticks, healing crystals and ritual props.


  • Palo Santo – sacred wood of Bursera Graveolens hand-picked from fallen branches of this tree in Peru. Palo Santo is believed to have cleansing and healing properties, opens and harmonises your soul, calms emotions and strengthens intuition.
  • White sage – used for space, being and object cleansing and purification from negative energy and influences. Alleviates anxiety, stress and tiredness, lifts the mood. Cleanses physical environment, as well as thoughts, emotions and aura. Strengthens intuition and connection to the spiritual world.
  • Desert sage – cleanses energy field of spaces, beings and objects. Used for healing and blessing ceremonies. The most medicinally effective type of sage. Strengthens spiritual connection and deepens meditation experience. Combats stress and brings on feelings of harmony and calm.
  • Obsidian – goes deep, provides insights into causes and uncovers even the deepest thoughts. Truth seeker stone and protective shield against all negative. Gives power to its wearer and engulfs what is threatening them. Keep clean thoughts and clear intent when working with obsidian.
  • Clear quartz – mother of all healing crystals. Cleanses negative energy and charges its wearer with positive energy. Boosts inspiration, intuition and removes spiritual blockages and disharmonies.  Amplifies the powers of other crystals.
  • Feather fan – hand-made with the intent to cleanse and purify. For millennia, feathers have been used as magical props during spiritual and healing ceremonies. Use to waft healing smoke where needed and direct negative influences away.


  1. Slow down, relax, forget about the hassle and challenges of everyday life and turn your attention to this ritual. Be here and now.
  2. Set a clear intent or prepare a mantra or prayer to chant during smudging. Smudging has many uses. Be clear what you want to achieve.
  3. With your intent in mind, hold the smudge stick at 45° angle to light and keep burning 10-30 seconds. Blow out. Watch the magical smoke twirling around the space.
  4. Stand by the window or door to allow unobstructed way out for the negative energy, and clean your crystals in the smoke. You can use your fan to waft the smoke around. After cleansing, keep your crystals in hand or place them in the ritual space.
  5. Only use inflammable surfaces to put down your burning smudge stick. Keep away from children and pets.
  6. Repeat your intent, mantra or prayer aloud if you want. The important thing is to be in the moment and keep your focus on the intent of the smudging ritual.
  7. Walk around your space, beings or objects with the smoking smudge stick. You can use your feather fan to waft the smoke around.
  8. Move clockwise and allow the smoke to drift into all hard to get areas like spaces under the furniture, corners, staircases, hallways and nooks. Direct the negative energy towards doors and windows.
  9. After smudging, thank your spirit and all present spirits and powers for their help.
  10. After the cleansing ritual, put out the smudge stick in a fine sand or salt and store for later use.

Important! Do not use sage around people with breathing difficulties, infants and pregnant women.

If you want to learn more about NAYAVITA YOGA and or eco conscious yoga mats and props, check out our FAQs.

4 reviews for Cleansing and purification smudge kit Good Vibes

  1. Czech
    5 out of 5


    Sadu jsem koupila na zkoušku. Nedávno jsme se přestěhovali, tak se mi zrona hodila. Sada je opravdu krásná a s manželem jsme si užili i celý rituál. Hned jsem koupila sestře sadu Láska jako dárek :-)

  2. Czech
    5 out of 5


    Moc hezky zabalené a rychlé dodání.

  3. Czech
    5 out of 5


    Koupili jsme na vykouření staršího domu. Dcera si stěžovala, že jí budí pani, která tam bydlela před námi a chce abychom odešli. Líbí se mi, že je popsaný i rituál,který můžeme následovat a tři druhy vykuřovadel. Sada mě přivedla i na myšlenku, zakomponovat do čištění energie i krystaly.

  4. Czech
    5 out of 5


    Krásné balení i složení. Perfektní dárek pro ty trochu vnímavější. Moc doporučuji.

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